
Homeopathy is explained by a Best Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi

Homeopathy is explained by a Best Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi   Homoeopathy for mother and child! We have always been taught that mother's milk is really important for a child as it has good many antibodies to prevent the child from numerous infections. But have we ever though that while nursing a child, the mother's state of mind can affect her child? Believe me, it does. I was assisting my teacher at his clinic. A woman carrying her kid in her lap, complained that the child has been having severe constipation since almost 20 days. The c hild would pass stool almost every 3rd day and that too very hard stool. The child was just 1 yr.old. Due to this, his appetite had become less and he had become very cranky. This seemed very common in the sense that anybody would become cranky if the bowel movements are altered. With just 1 yr.old child, you can't really ask questions, you can only observe. Nothing significant was there with the child. One should always a...


DOCTOR DOES HOMEOPATHY REALLY WORKS? Homoeopathy makes sure that the man is CURED i.e. the problem gets solved right from the roots.  5.5 yrs.of vigorous study, 1 yr.of clinical internship and life long clinical experience following the principles laid down by our master SIR Dr.Samuel Hahnemann, makes a classical Homoeopathic physician eligible to bring out the actual CURE in a patient. Studying few books over homoeopathic prescribing, just observing a homoeopathic doctor how he practices simply cannot bring ou t the ideal results.  It is way different from how allopathic medicines work. For instance, in case of fever, we all tend to eat paracetamol or crocin to bring down the fever. This may be true to some extent. Similarly I have seen people consuming  NUX VOMICA: for stomach pain THUJA: for warts BERBERIS VULGARIS: for kidney stones. All these medicines are not just meant for one disorder, they are to be consumed only and only if prescribed by a homoeopat...